kita punya kekuatan atas waktu.

"The history Repeats, I heard you said it on our last class. well, I've been thinking about it, I mean, can we change what happened, sir?"
"well, human has the ability to change things, to change what it is, to change what happened. and I think, that's what makes us special.
we can change the fate, that's why we are special"

we can change the fate, that's why we're special.
-From Sometimes They Come Back, 1991.
based on a short story by Stephen King

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Bernadetha Amanda
I know English, a little French, and I do speak Ngoko and a few Krama (Javanese language has three kinds of hierarchical language, they're two of them) at home, well, mostly. I'm a big fan of Javanese literature, traditional art, music, theatrical performances, and books but I got this lack of time and chance to do all that stuff... yeah THROW A CONFETTI. (and yeah, feel free to drop some comments... BISOUS :*)
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