intensity, intimately

Intensity, intimately
In its own way it's so promising, never so dangling
Oh, so simple to me
Killing the lines, finding the bright side
Letting it shine, shine all my life
It won't die

Intensity, intimately
Only a cup of tea but nothing would ever take its place in my heart
No, it's permanent here
Inhaling your love, feeling your touch

"only a cup of tea, but nothing would ever take its place in my heart
no, it's permanent there" - Frau <3

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Bernadetha Amanda
I know English, a little French, and I do speak Ngoko and a few Krama (Javanese language has three kinds of hierarchical language, they're two of them) at home, well, mostly. I'm a big fan of Javanese literature, traditional art, music, theatrical performances, and books but I got this lack of time and chance to do all that stuff... yeah THROW A CONFETTI. (and yeah, feel free to drop some comments... BISOUS :*)
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